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Archive for the 'Headaches' Category

Headache and High Blood Pressure: A New Link?

Headaches are one of the common health complaints for which people seek out treatment from a healthcare provider. High blood pressure is also very common, affecting about 50 million Americans. Could the two be linked? Yes, but not in the way you may think. While some doctors question whether taking pain pills actually corrects the [..]

What Headaches Might Be Telling the Body

Our bodies often let us know there is something not quite right, but are we listening? Too often in life, with hectic day-to-day schedules, getting the kids to school and so on, we cannot be troubled by these little warning signs. So we often just take a pill to mask the pain and get on [..]

Headaches... What Is The Spinal Link?

Headaches are so common that we rarely question their cause or origin. In the case of headaches, it can be something as simple as jet lag to something truly ominous, such as a brain tumor. If you suffer from headaches, it is important that you get the diagnosis right. Remember that head pain is the [..]

The Importance of Headache Diagnosis

All good doctors know the importance of getting an accurate diagnosis of a patient's problem. But why is this so important? It's important because it's difficult to achieve a positive treatment outcome without knowing more about what disease or injury is present. Unfortunately, when it comes to headaches, many patients do not receive an accurate [..]

Headaches, Hygiene, and Pillows

We hear about dental hygiene and how to eat right, but when was the last time you considered if you slept well in a way that does not stress the spine? Most of us know it's important to avoid head and neck trauma because serious and devastating injuries can occur. Less understood is how minor [..]

Headaches: Causes and Promising Solutions

Chronic headaches are a mystery to most of us. Why they occur seems to be the most common question. Some patients' headaches can be easily explained, but many seem to get headaches for no apparent reason. An often overlooked cause of headaches is the spine and spinal trauma. How does this occur?Delicate connective tissue link [..]

Headaches From Forward Head Posture

John Q. Public has been trained to believe that a headache is a problem in the head and relief comes in a bottle.While it's true that pain medications can bring relief for a pounding headache, they rarely get at the actual cause of the problem. You have to also consider the long-term problems that can [..]

Chronic Headaches and the Pill Industry

The advertisements are everywhere—at the supermarket, gas station, billboards, or TV—compelling us to ingest this pill or that drug if we have any aches or pains and they will go away. But have you ever thought about how you, the consumer, are being manipulated? These over-the-counter drugs are a booming industry and make huge profits [..]

Headaches: Headache Triggers and Causes

We often think headaches are caused by different stressful triggers. It could be long days at work, staring at a computer screen all night, or the aggravation of spending an extended amount of time stuck in traffic. Some of us get headaches after drinking red wine or eating certain foods. While these triggers make headaches [..]

Headaches: A New Perspective on an Old Problem

It's remarkable to consider how many different types of pain relievers there are for headaches—not just  at the corner drug stores but also supermarkets, convenience stores, and gas stations. Drugs like aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen are consumed daily in America by the truckloads.Have you ever thought about how we approach a health problem or symptom? [..]